Letter From The Editors

For the sixth volume of Anamnesis, we sent out a call for pa- pers with no particular theme in mind. This past year has been a time full of strife and sorrow, and reading submissions with diverse subject matters has been an immense privilege. The first essay, written by Matthew Simons of Colorado College, dis- cusses the intersection of child psychological development and language acquisition. The second essay, written by Logan Graham of St. Olaf College, gives a very creative and insightful ac- count of internet meme culture, a growing part of our increasingly-online lives. The third paper, written by Anna Wermuth of Colorado College, gives a feminist- Marxist-critique of the structure of the growing automization of the labor force. The edition closes with Colorado College student JohnMichael Mc- Cann's thoughtful consideration of the auditory imagination, a cognitive faculty most clearly demonstrated by notable modern creative visionaries.

We have weathered a uniquely challenging and isolating academic year. Many of us have lost loved ones over the course of the past year, and and all of us have lost something else: op- portunties to be close to those we love, to learn in the same spaces, to write in the same spaces, to philosophize in the same spaces. It is our hope that this edition of Anamnesis will do its part in carving out a virtual space for philosophical community and connection.

We hope you enjoy.

- Yumiko Gonzalez Rios and Molly Lovett